Sunday, February 10, 2008

Drain You.

I'm back! After going into an extended hiatus after losing the 2007 Bloggie Award, I have to get back to what I do best: blog about the American experience. I'm not that into politics, but I really like this Borat Oblama guy. If I start blogging about the 2008 Election, let's just say that Daily Kos better get ready to get schooled.

Anyway, I was listening to this past week's Best Show Awards podcast, and, predictably, that recluse Omar won Best Recapper. Yawn. Dude thinks he has no competition because he drains the field like Plainview in There Will Be Blood. Well, guess what? There's a new bendy straw in town, and I'm officially throwing my keyboard into the ring for the 2009 Best Best Show recapubernatorial race. I highly recommend that Omar wear a helmet and strap himself in with his white belt to withstand the sheer force of my Best Show recaps. If he's Cormac McCartney, than call me Thomas Pinchley, Pudge Palfner's favorite author. Ha! A Best Show callback! See how easy this is?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are times when I look at bloggers like you, and I see nothing worth liking.